Life Celebrations

50 Shaken not Stirred


Did you know that Ann means grace? Yup, unmerited favor by God is my name. Well, I believe it. I have lived a life of extra ordinary favor. I have loving and supportive parents who have done nothing but sacrifice for me to this day. I have spectacular, loving, thoughtful, kind,and responsible children. I have unbelievably generous and supportive friends. Each person a jewel I have found along my path.
This morning I woke up and realized that this was the life I had dreamed of, planned for, and cultivated. Not bad for only being on the planet for fifty years. I can ask for nothing else, except safety and long life for all I hold dear.
My friends and my sweet children have humbled me. Surprise after surprise walked through my door on the advent of my birthday celebrations. And I do mean celebrations, as the party kept on going. Some of my dearest friends in the world colluded, planned,and outright lied to make this the most spectacular birthday I have ever had.
My oldest friend got on a plane (with husband, gifts, and medication). This was no mean feat as flying is an act of extreme courage for her requiring lag time for her to recover. Having her sit in my house and laugh about our 42 years together, will live in my heart forever. I passed on my 50 themed glasses to her as she will turn 50 in October. I hope we have many more occasions to share.
My closest friends have only an inkling of what their friendship has meant to me this past decade. I have indeed been shaken, but not stirred. Their love, dedication, and patience has allowed me to weather my world being shaken up. However, I am not stirred into the mix of life, destined to be dissolved into nothingness. Who I am remains intact with a great appreciation for my journey so far and an appreciation for the gifts God has given me.
As for my children who took up the reins of this celebration, I am filled with awe. I did not think it was possible to love them more deeply, be more proud, and be more excited for their future. I know this extended time we had together was a gift from God. I have tried to squeeze out every second that we have together before the timewinds of the world blow them onto their fantastic life journeys. This has been a precious time and they have been worth every moment of my maternal effort. They are my gifts beyond price and the best work I will ever do.
This is a love letter to everyone who graces my life with their continual positive company. I am so excited about our future and all of God’s favor.

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